course website

Howdy? So right now I’m sittig here posting while I’m taking an exam! It actually is part of our exam! So this is me right now: Lab Exam Btw I’ve been working on a git website for one of the faculty prof. check it out: Click Here


course website

less than 1 minute read

Howdy? So right now I’m sittig here posting while I’m taking an exam! It actually is part of our exam! So this is me right now: Btw I’ve been working on a g...

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Hard Disk Components

1 minute read

In this post I’m going to break down components of this Seagate hard disk model ST31200N.(Of course as much as I can) So before we get started, I just wante...

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Valentin Serov

less than 1 minute read

Valentin Serov Self Portrait Stan Hurr Portraits: Valentin Serov (1865 - 1911) Test: This is a test

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